flowMAC Parter

Go from pasting to parted plates without handling.

The flowMAC Parter automatically receives panels directly from your oven. It combines accurate plate parting and brushing of paste from the lugs as well as precise trimming of the lugs

It will match the speed of your platemaking system (up to 200 panels per minute) and improve your product quality.

Machine features

  • Cut labor costs by 40 to 50%.
  • Brushes both sides of the lugs & precise trimming of lugs
  • Minimize scrap & eEnvironmentally friendly
  • Accurate automatic parting of panels
  • Speeds up to 200 panels per minute

flowMAC Parter in action

About the machine

Need more info on our flowMAC Parter. for your engineering team?

Download our machine overview for more details.

By Mac Engineering & Equipment